【推薦資格】 原文サイト https://www.nobelpeaceprize.org/nobel-peace-prize/nomination/criteria-for-nominators
●主権国家の国会議員、国民政府(閣僚・大臣)、および現職の国家元首●国際司法裁判所(ハーグ)および常設仲裁裁判所(ハーグ)のメンバー●l'Institut de Droit Internationalのメンバー●Women’s International League for Peace and
2023年1 月 31 日午後 12 時(中央ヨーロッパ時間)
【推薦方法】 「個人」又は「連名」で推薦書を提出(※連名での推薦は終了しました)
●個人で推薦してくださる場合 ※ノーベル委員会からメールと郵送でも受け付けも引き続き可能とアドバイスをいただいたので、追記いたしました。2023.1.27
・推薦フォーム → Nomination form -
Nobel Peace Prize
郵送:The Norwegian Nobel Committee Henrik Ibsens gate 510255 Oslo, NORWAY
推薦書の内容 : 推薦候補の特質が伝えられる多様な書き方を可能にするために、ノルウェー・ノーベル委員会は、特定の推薦の提出フォームを導入していない。推薦は長い必要はないが、以下の項目をふくまなければならない。
実行委員会のメールアドレスは c.npp4a9@gmail.com です。
Nomination Letter
I nominate
for the 2023 Nobel Peace Prize, as they stand at the forefront of the movement to protect Article 9 of the Constitution of Japan that renounces war and to disseminate the principle that the Article represents around the world.
Japan adopted the Preamble and Article 9 of the Constitution of Japan in order to declare its determination not to engage in war ever again after its citizens experienced the catastrophe of the Asia-Pacific War.
However, the Japanese government has announced that the country will have the capability to attack enemies’ military bases and other policies that will enable pre-emptive attacks. The government has recently announced that Japan will increase its defense spending to 43 trillion yen over the next five years, which will make the country the world’s third-largest military powerhouse behind the United States and China. This is nothing but an attempt to change the Constitution for the worse or reduce it to a dead letter, so that Japan will turn into a state ready to engage in war.
Despite these challenging circumstances, these two organizations are determined not to allow the change to materialize and continue their activities to safeguard the pacifist Constitution and prevent war at all costs.
In July 2014, the Japanese government had the security legislation, which is also called a war legislation, approved by the Cabinet, and in September 2015, the government railroaded the legislation at the Diet. the Nationwide Network for Lawsuits on the Unconstitutionality of the New Security Laws stated that the legislation was utterly unconstitutional, and instituted 25 civil actions in 22 courts across Japan. 7,700 plaintiffs and 1,700 attorneys have strong support from a great many citizens of the country.
The National Citizens’ Action to Say No! to the Revision of Article 9 of the Constitution integrates actions by peace organizations across Japan to protest against the series of constitutional violations by the Japanese government. The National Citizen’s Action collected 12,369,461 signatures for the petition “Signatures for the Constitution,” which was submitted to the government.
To protect Article 9 of the Constitution of Japan that renounces war, and to ensure that Japan practices and disseminates the principle that the Article represents around the world, I nominate these two organizations that have continued to stand at the forefront of the movement to safeguard the current Constitution of Japan.
共通推薦文にご賛同くださり、連名推薦人としてお名前を公表して下さる場合は、「お名前」と「推薦資格(大学教授の場合は大学と専門と肩書)」の日本語と英語表記を1月25日までに当実行委員会にメールにてご連絡をお願いします。実行委員会で推薦をとりまとめ、飯島滋明 名古屋学院大学教授(憲法学・平和学)を通してノルウェー・ノーベル委員会に推薦人リストを提出していただきます。
実行委員会のメールアドレスは c.npp4a9@gmail.com です。